Jefferson Balde

Jefferson Balde

I'm Jefferson Balde, currently studying Computer Science at Saint Columban College Pagadian. I am a self-taught Front End Developer specializing in React/NextJS

Through my passion for coding, I have gained experience in backend technologies as well, including Node.js, SQL, and NoSQL databases. I have been honing my skills through self-study and online courses.

I’m also a productivity nerd and love discovering new ways and skills. I enjoy reading/listening to books about growth and self-development, drinking coffee, patting my dogs, and going out for leisurely walks .

👨🏻‍💻  📚  ☕  🐕  🚶🏻‍♂️


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Saint Columban College Pagadian

Aug 2020 - April 2025


The Complete Web Developer in 2023


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The Frontend Developer Career Path


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Responsive Web Design Certification


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JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures


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